Pineridge Adventure Camp


“It’s easier to build a strong child than repair a broken man.”

   – Frederick Douglass

boardingAlberta is full of summer camps. All aim to have the best programming, food, and facilities. While we agree that these traditional elements are important, our real priorities go deeper.

Someone once said that “the glory of God is a person fully alive.” We agree. And we believe that this fullness of life only comes from significant investments of intentional love. Tragically, too many kids enter their adult years only half-grown.

Outdoor camps have always been a place of escape and exploration, where kids can take a break from the real world. We feel this is important, too. But life is full of messy, stubborn problems that are still around when the summer is over. So we also see camp as a place where we can stage adventures to help campers develop the skills, attitudes, and habits they’ll need to meet and overcome life’s challenges.

We realize a week’s worth of preparation and encouragement isn’t enough. So we encourage all our camp participants to participate in weekly programming during the school-year (such a kids clubs, youth groups, etc) to continue what we begin during the summer. This allows both the leaders and campers to create meaningful relationships that can offer real value in their personal journeys.

Grande Prairie is a young city bursting with children. Each has a unique identity, purpose, and potential. We do everything we can to have a positive impact on their lives as they become who they were meant to be.

After all, what could be more important?


Pineridge Adventure Camp is operated by volunteer committee through the Grande Prairie Church of Christ, in partnership with a few other local churches and non-profits. The camp is run as a non-denominational non-profit organization committed to the mission of Jesus Christ (i.e., loving people into the fullness of life).

Please know that our camp is not about indoctrinating kids. It’s about encouraging campers to explore healthy relationships with nature, God and each other and giving them tools to grow in their own faith journey at their own decision and pace.  Our camp leaders are selected for their ability to walk alongside campers as they grow and wrestle with life’s hard questions.  As Christians, our leaders and camp committee acknowledge that we are not perfect, and try our best to be friendly, humble and authentic in all we do.


Children from non-faith or other faith backgrounds are more than welcome at Pineridge.  Their existing opinions will be treated with full respect, and we’ll make no attempt to undermine what they’re taught at home.

Our programs are designed to allow camper’s the opportunity to think deeply about Biblical themes like forgiveness, brokenness, courage, honesty, grace, sacrifice and the person and work of Jesus.  We also do our best to provide space during daily activities for campers and their leaders to engage in open conversations about life and faith journeys.

We love ongoing dialogue with campers and their families about the themes encountered during the camp experience- please feel free to contact us throughout the year!

Contact Us

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Pineridge Adventure Camp
c/o 9602 92 Avenue
Grande Prairie, AB, T8V 0H4